This weekend I went to the Cannington Sled Dog Races. Sadly, the actual race was cancelled due to lack of snow. But the festival drew huge crowds - about 5,000 hardy souls participating in events like the grapefruit fling, big-foot obstacle course, and the toilet seat toss. (I mean, really, if you can't have fun with a toilet seat, you may as well stay home.)
I managed to find a stray mutt wandering around and lured him over with cookies.
Cannington Sled Dog Races mascot poses with DOGSLED DREAMS
The Brock Library event went well. I brought along a dogsled, harnesses, dog booties, gangline, musher gear, and lots of stories. At the end of the presentation, three little boys approached and asked me to sign their booklets, and one showed off his new knowledge by naming all the dog positions in the team. He was listening! It completely made my day.
And the weekend just kept getting better. On my way home, I stopped in at Chapter's Bookstore and found my book. Face out. On the shelf. What a moment that was!
cell phone picture. Little fuzzy. But real. |
And the placement isn't too shabby either! Look at the little book I'm sharing shelf space with!
Thank you everyone, for all your suggestions for my library reading! Two more stops left.
I love all the husky stuff. Come around Cambridge, MA and my daughter will be there. She just started reading the book today.
How cool is that?! Right near Wimpy Kid . . . definitely a good place to get noticed!
And seriously about the toilet seats. :D Love it!
What a wonderful moment, to come upon your book, faced out, special day today! Congrats.
Sounds like you've got a lot of exciting stuff going on!
I started reading Dogsled Dreams to my kids the other night. We usually read fantasy, so they weren't sure about it, but they all approved it after our first reading session. My eleven-year-old's comment: "I didn't think I'd like this type of book, but it's really good!"
I had a chance to ride on and drive a dogsled (with help) on a trip to Alaska two years ago--an adventure I'll never forget. Love all your pictures and your descriptions. I read the first chapter on your website and it was really interesting. I'll have to get a copy so I can see what happens next.
How cool! It's great seeing the book on the shelf.
A toilet seat toss? Now that's a hilarious image!
So great to see your book "in the wild" and with such great company. :-)
That's pretty cool! What a rush seeing your book on the shelves!
Oh man! Your book is perched ON TOP OF Diary of a Wimpy Kid and NEXT TO The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate!!
Um, in case you haven't been told a million times, Miss Terry Lynn Johnson: You. Have. Arrived.
Major congratulations yet again :)
That's fantastic! See, you're really getting into this whole promotion thing. And face out on the shelf is something - BIG!
Awesome, Terry! And now I know what to do with old toilet seats.
Ahh! Love the mascot!! Perfect! :)
I totally want to go to a festival that involves throwing grapefruits and toilet seats. :) I love the photo of the mascot and your book! Very cool!!! Sorry the races were called off.
Nothing better than a face out shelf position. Congratulations!
What an awesome picture (the husky and the placement!!)! I'm so glad it was fun, even without the snow. :)
It sounds like you are having big FUN! Love the picture of the great, big husky! Did he fling a toilet seat? LOL! Too funny! And seeing your book face out on the shelf--awesome! So happy for you!!!
You're on top of the Wimpy Kid and he's a _movie star_! :D
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