Thursday, March 6, 2014

Skyping for Read Aloud Day

What have I been up to lately?

Here's my living room turned into a teaching nook. I'm getting ready for epic Skype sessions - 8 per day. After I took this photo, it reminded me of something. 

Does anyone else think this looks similar to the set of The Friendly Giant? Pull up a rocking chair next to the fire. (Needs Rusty and Gerome.) Look up. Waaay up. 
I loved that show. Life is so funny.

I've been making lots of new friends from all over the States, the UK, Australia and Canada! I'm skyping with 39 classes in the next three weeks to celebrate World Read Aloud Day.

I'm so grateful to meet all these amazing young readers with such smart questions about dogsledding and writing and being an author. I'm hearing lots of stories of pet dogs too.

  • Pet dogs who drink out of toilets
  • who run their butts across the carpet
  • who walk on their back legs

I'm new to Skype, and now I'm a fan!


Noelle the dreamer said...

Ex-RAF flyboy says he notices a few kiddies from home?
Still chuckling at some of the kids comments though...They are the same all over, aren't they?!
All the best and good luck with the 39 sessions!

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's so awesome, Terry. So excited you're able to connect with so many kids.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a lot of classes and kids! Have a great time talking to them. I'm sure you're about to hear every dog story in the world.

Anonymous said...

This is just plain great! How exciting. Never used Skype and this computer has the capability...hmmmm.....
Have fun during all the lessons :)

Deniz Bevan said...

Looks like lots of fun for your and the students! :-)