Iditarod.com photo credit
The official list of mushers signed up to race the 2011 Iditarod is up on the website. Check out the site
HERE to see full biographies and photos of the racers. My secret crush, Martin Buser is running again this year! Good luck to all and happy training!
Very cool! But, umm, your secret crush isn't really a secret any more. ; )
Cool. I have two marketing ideas for you.
First, I think you should ask your followers to take a bookmark that you send them to their librarian in the children's section of their library. I'd recommend doing it sooner to your publication day. I have an extra one and am going to do that.
Also The Story Siren, a big book blog reviewer, is asking for items to donate to her monthly gift packets for people who do her 2011 debut author challenge. It's the 11/13 post. Here's the link. http://www.thestorysiren.com/
And I agree with Natalie's idea with the bookmark. Plus I hope you have a list of every dogsledding and animal-related event coming up because those would be excellent places to sell your book.
Thanks, thanks, thanks! I can no longer say I NEVER win anything! And I'm looking forward to reading your book too.
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