I'm excited to share more news - I have another dogsledding novel coming out next year!
Here's the announcement from Publisher's Weekly:
Ann Rider at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has acquired a middle-grade novel by Terry Lynn Johnson. Sled Dog School tells the story of a lonely 11-year old boy who starts a business teaching dog sledding to fulfill a class assignment, but his lessons don't work out the way he expected. Publication is scheduled for fall 2017; Caryn Wiseman at Andrea Brown Literary Agency did the deal for world rights.
I'm also sitting on even bigger news, but can't spill yet. Soon!
For now, here's a few photos from our latest adventure - kayaking, snorkelling in Baja Mexico
No one knows why Grey Whales bring their babies to meet us, Magdelena Bay. That's me wearing the Canadian bandana |
Humpback whales feeding in La Paz Bay |
Grey Whales coming for a scratch, they have fleas that look like white ticks |
spy hopping |
snorkelling with juvenile whale sharks! |
snorkelling with sea lion pups
Beautiful pictures, and congratulations on your good news!
I saw your book announcement in Publishers Weekly Children's Bookshelf. A huge congrats! Sounds like you have even more news to share soon. That's awesome.
Big congratulations!! That's awesome. Is the big news a movie deal?
Amazing pictures. I can't imagine getting to touch a whale.
Big congrats!!
Terry, that's wonderful! Congrats.
That looks like the adventure of a lifetime.
Awesome! Congratulations on the deal, and those pics are AMAZING!!!
Wonderful pictures, Terry! That must have been a thrilling visit. Congratulations on your new book and on your even bigger news you can't spill yet!! Sounds like Cloud Nine is a regular destination for you these days.
So glad this one found a home, Terry! Yay! Big congratulations to you!!!
That's wonderful news!!! And gorgeous pictures!!!
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